Bar Talk: Jennifer Berkshire and Education Reform Advocate Eric Lerum talk about the future of teacher unions.

Jan 13, 2016 12:00:00 AM


EduShyster is the blog of freelance journalist and public education advocate Jennifer Berkshire. Eric Lerum is Vice President of Growth and Strategy at America Succeeds and formerly worked for Students First.  The two of them met in a New York City bar to sip, chew, and talk about the future of teachers' unions and Berkshire and has posted their conversation as a podcast at her website.
We recently sat down at a NYC bar to chew (and sip) over some big questions: do teacher unions have any future? How have teachers fared in the four states that have restricted collective bargaining since 2011? (Spoiler alert: not well.) What about the growing number of charter school teachers who are organizing unions? And do we really want a country where the ultra-rich exert unchecked influence over everything? OK – that last one was my question. More beer please!

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