12 Teachers' Tweets Show Why They #LoveTeaching

Feb 19, 2016 12:00:00 AM


This week teachers across the country educators celebrated why they #LoveTeaching. As someone looking from the outside in, it was awesome to witness the successes and joy coming out of American classrooms. Here are just a few moments teachers shared during the #LoveTeaching campaign.   Teachers committed and devoted to seeing their students succeed. https://twitter.com/teachtrip/status/699980442154487808 https://twitter.com/EmilyJHigh/status/699804121981804545   Teachers were blown away by their students’ appreciation. https://twitter.com/tlyman1976/status/699543615023030272 https://twitter.com/engineerteacher/status/699544127818571776   Some Teachers wouldn’t be stopped. https://twitter.com/msbostonteacher/status/699987185441841152 https://twitter.com/MrPayne859/status/699773290999635968   Some appreciate rather *ahem* unique teaching methods. https://twitter.com/HESbookdiva/status/699560528994111488   We got to hear why they choose to teach.  https://twitter.com/susanclaireb/status/699421414915375105 https://twitter.com/DanBrownTeacher/status/699569855494664193 https://twitter.com/myrunciblespoon/status/699590179590402051 https://twitter.com/EHSMrsJ/status/699416767391670272   And Sarah Cross left it short and sweet and dropped the mic. https://twitter.com/SCross1989/status/699965884207595520

Hunter Post

Hunter is a proud product of Chicago Public Schools and got his bachelor's degree from Loyola Marymount University in Los Angeles. After graduation he volunteered in South Africa and Tanzania before returning to Chicago and interning with Education Post. Hunter is a Chicagoan through and through and the way to his heart is good BBQ.

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